Rikard N Skoglund 1, Cool Mama  1 Magnus Jakobsson 2, Sowing Mambo  2 Olle Alsén 3, Albatross On Fire  3 William Ekberg 4, Mácha  4 Billy Svedlund 5, Ojsan Episk Springare  5 Marcus Schön 6, Carlos Starshine  6 Rauno Pöllänen 7, Vattovaz  7 Daniel Redén 8, Jellybean Moussolou  8 Erik Lindegren 9, Still Got It  9 Per Lennartsson 10, Jänkis Milo  10 Magnus A Djuse 11, Versailles Hof  11 Jimmy H Andersson 12, Gimli Glider Cherry  12
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Gävle Gävle Gävle
The start