Jari Feodoroff 1, Waterfalling Girl  1 Carl-Erik Lindblom 2, Counterfeit
 Sun  2 Claes Sjöström 3, My Moment  3 Kenneth L T Nilsson 4, Essere Riconoscere  4 Carl Sjögren 5, Juholts Mustasch  5 Åke Lindblom 6, Miss Ireland  6 Rauno Pöllänen 7, Successo Trapassare  7 Belinda Lindberg 8, Tranquility  8 Benny Danielsson 9, Aurore Royale  9 Örjan Kihlström 10, Hard Wired  10
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Örebro Örebro Örebro
The start