Anders Funck 1, Royal Speed  1 Jorma Kontio 2, Hind Behind  2 Per Lennartsson 3, Yellow To Blue  3 Ronny Widerström 4, Silky Train  4 Tommy Zackrisson 5, Imagine My Love  5 Hans-Owe Sundberg 6, Night Owl  6 Örjan Kihlström 7, Titan's Best  7 Jim Frick 8, No Secret Anymore  8 Catrin Fajersson 9, Courageous  9 Rickard Alderborg 10, Lysende Stjerne  10 Torbjörn Jansson 11, The Right Thing  11 Neng Wanlayaphol 12, Gingerbreadman  12
The car
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The start