Patrik Andersson 1, Full Controll  1 Olle Elfstrand 2, Vicino A Perfezione  2 Olle Goop 3, Blue Intention  3 Peter Untersteiner 4, Primary Assist  4 Flemming Jensen 5, Kotona Ihmemaa  5 Anders Christiansson 6, Will Strike Again  6 Per Berg Thomsen 7, Strong Power  7 Lennart Forsgren 8, Think She Knows  8 Jörgen Wickman 9, Tegen Stand  9 Veijo Heiskanen 10, Pay The Price  10 Björn Goop 11, Ares  11 Mikael Å Linderoth 12, Nothing But Proud  12
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Åby Åby Åby
The start