Kristian Lindberg 1, Walking Action  1 Olle Carlsson 2, Rownd Y Stumog  2 Jan-Olof Johansson 3, Tripping Sparkle  3 Victor Karlsson 4, Income Simb  4 Niclas Torstemo 5, Alexander Rori  5 Jan Roar Aune 6, License To Sneeze  6 Daniel Wikberg 7, Hiilihanko Ammattilainen  7 Jenny Björk 8, Comfortable Frenzy  8 John Östman 9, Aggressive Striker  9 Harald Sandström 10, Fella Fel Bwyd  10 Tomas B Nilsson 11, Brown Bandwith  11
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Östersund Östersund Östersund
The start