Olle Carlsson 1, Galway  1 Ulf Eriksson 2, Holy
 Cookie  2 Stefan Edin 3, Cauberg  3 Jan-Olof Johansson 4, Proof Im Wrong  4 Jan-Olof Johansson 5, Criminal French Lady  5 Tomas B Nilsson 6, Carroll  6 Gunnar Melander 7, Roofies  7 Robert Bergh 8, Moving
 Piece  8 Ulf Ohlsson 9, Lonzo Dance  9 Micael Melander 10, Lone Pirate  10 Jörgen Berglund 11, Good Looking
 Moon  11 Harald Sandström 12, Fast Racer  12
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Oviken Oviken Oviken
The start