Torbjörn Jansson 1, Grunnen Til At  1 Joakim Wallin 2, Relaxing
 Behemoth  2 Carl-Henning Wallberg 3, Gorgeous
 Stardust  3 Örjan Kihlström 4, Peu Miracle  4 Claes Svensson 5, Perfect Gallant  5 Erik Adielsson 6, Strong  Band  6 Håkan Eriksson 7, Sergeant
 Valley  7 Johan Carlfjord 8, Rocks The Track  8 Jorma Kontio 9, Comfortable
 Action  9 Björn Goop 10, Radiating
 Rose  10 Johnny Takter 11, First Set  11 Roger Pettersson 12, Symbol  12
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Mantorp Mantorp Mantorp
The start