Anders Funck 1, Ghost Of You  1 Johnny Takter 2, Frozen Maple Leaf  2 Stefan Persson 3, Big Brother  3 Erik Adielsson 4, Radiating
 Lovebreaker  4 Peter Ingves 5, Breaking The Waves  5 Thomas Uhrberg 6, Skinny Screwy  6 Jörgen Sjunnesson 7, Admiral
 Pirate  7 Ronny Widerström 8, His Royal Highness  8 Joakim Lövgren 9, All Included  9 Conrad Lugauer 10, Quieto Il Lucido  10 Neng Wanlayaphol 11, Hilarius  11 Peter Untersteiner 12, Advanced
 Piece  12
The car
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The start