Frode Hamre 1, Starstruck
 Wind  1 Per Oleg Midtfjeld 2, Backstabbing
 Meadow  2 Asbjørn Mehla 3, Lovestoned  3 Lars Anvar Kolle 4, One Dream  4 Victor Karlsson 5, Please Hurry  5 Thor Borg 6, Mastodontfilmsmats  6 Jan-Olof Johansson 7, Lad Være  7 Eirik Høitomt 8, President Of Earth  8 Tomas B Nilsson 9, Hit Song  9 Andre H Stensen 11, Trustworthy Trottin' Troy  11 Vidar Hop 12, Junkfood Sweetheart  12
The car
Norway Norway Norway Bodø Bodø Bodø
The start