Gunnar Austevoll 1, Punching
 Valley  1 Alexander Heisholt 2, Mayim Chaim  2 Vidar Hop 3, Sneaky
 Bear  3 Pål Sem 4, Punching
 Box  4 Per Oleg Midtfjeld 5, Cachar  5 Lars Anvar Kolle 6, Sudden
 Love  6 Atle Solhus 7, Max
 Puma  7 Åsbjørn Tengsareid 8, Express It  8 Hans Petter Tholfsen 9, Helpful
 Band  9 Jomar Blekkan 10, Stolen Cat  10 Eirik Høitomt 11, All Included  11
The car
Norway Norway Norway Drammen Drammen Drammen
The start