Erik Adielsson 1, Sleepy
 Love  1 Tommy Zackrisson 2, Race The Dream  2 Örjan Kihlström 3, Rocksteady Lover  3 Claes Svensson 4, Cinna-spin  4 Joakim Wallin 5, Clever
 Box  5 Johan Carlfjord 6, Summer Dream  6 Thomas Jonsson 7, Kenny G.  7 Jorma Kontio 8, Admiral
 Cruiser  8 Micael Stjernström 9, Gorgeous
 Pie  9 Dan-Åke Olsson 10, Thunder Victory  10 Ronny Widerström 11, Criss Crossing Cossack  11 Björn Goop 12, Sad
 Play  12
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Mantorp Mantorp Mantorp
The start