Sören Eriksson 1, Inkas Close Work  1 Katrin K Frick 2, Rockymeetsrambo  2 Malin Friman 3, Ketjap Manis  3 Henrik Svensson 4, Radiating
 Ruby  4 Per Lennartsson 5, Red Hollywood  5 Johan Brandel 6, Criminal Toggy  6 Daniel Redén 7, Nessla Benihana  7 Troels Andersen 8, Bardet  8 Olle Alsén 9, Screaming Blizzard  9 Jörgen Westholm 10, Pretty Cookie  10 Claes Sjöström 11, Giggling Venus  11 Torbjörn Jansson 12, Black Wave  12
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Gävle Gävle Gävle
The start