Stall Lunkan
Jon The Dentist Jon The Dentist (97981) Save bookmark  Retired

  • 49 years Stallion
  • Bergsåker
  • Healthy

    2013-03-10 00:00 Improvement of strength
    2013-01-04 00:05 Improvement of strength
    2012-12-18 19:00 Personal best 1,11.6M Race
    2012-12-07 19:35 Personal best 1,13.5L Race
    2012-11-29 00:05 Improvement of strength
    2012-11-18 00:05 Improvement of strength
    1970-01-01 01:33 Injury 0.46 Race
    2012-11-17 16:36 Jon The Dentist was born

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