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Sweden Boden Sunny
12:00   Alla. Max 0 kr. 1640m 5 000 kr
12:10   Alla. 2640m 20 000 kr
12:20   Alla. Max 500 000 kr. 2140m 40 000 kr
Finland Halsua Brizzle
12:00   5 åriga & äldre. Max 10 0... 2140m 15 000 kr
12:10   Alla. Max 100 000 kr. 2640m 20 000 kr
12:20   3 åriga. Lägst 25 000 kr 1640m 40 000 kr
Sweden Jägersro Sunny
12:00   5 åriga & äldre. Max 10 0... 2140m 5 000 kr
12:10   4 åriga. Max 100 000 kr. 1640m 25 000 kr
12:20   Ston. Lägst 500 000 kr. 2140m 50 000 kr
12:35   4 åriga. Max 100 000 kr. (2) 1640m 25 000 kr
Norway Klosterskogen Raining
12:00   Max 0 startpoäng 2140m 10 000 kr
12:10   3 åriga. Max 50 000 kr. 2140m 30 000 kr
12:20   Alla. Lägst 250 000 kr. 2140m 40 000 kr
12:35   3 åriga. Max 50 000 kr. (2) 2140m 30 000 kr
Sweden Solvalla Cloudy
12:00   Alla. Max 5000 kr. 2640m 10 000 kr
12:10   Alla. Max 75 000 kr. 2140m 30 000 kr
12:20   Ston. Lägst 25 000 kr 1640m 40 000 kr
Sweden Vaggeryd Cloudy
12:00   5 åriga & äldre. Max 5000... 2640m 15 000 kr
12:10   4 åriga. Max 100 startpoäng. 2140m 20 000 kr
12:20   Alla. Max 200 000 kr. 1640m 45 000 kr
Sweden Åby Sunny
19:00   Ston. Max 5000 kr. 2140m 15 000 kr
19:10   Alla. Max 150 000 kr. 2140m 20 000 kr
19:20   Alla. Lägst 500 000 kr. 2640m 50 000 kr
Norway Bergen Cloudy
19:00   Alla. Max 10 000 kr. 2140m 5 000 kr
19:10   Alla. Max 50 000 kr. 1640m 20 000 kr
19:20   Alla. 2640m 45 000 kr
Sweden Gävle Cloudy
19:00   Ston. Max 25 000 kr. 2640m 15 000 kr
19:10   5 åriga & äldre. Max 250 ... 2640m 30 000 kr
19:20   5 åriga & äldre. Max 50 0... 1640m 45 000 kr
19:35   Ston. Max 25 000 kr. (2) 2640m 15 000 kr
Finland Halsua Brizzle
19:00   3 åriga. Max 5000 kr. 2140m 15 000 kr
19:10   Alla. 2140m 20 000 kr
19:20   Alla. Lägst 100 000 kr. 1640m 50 000 kr
19:35   3 åriga. Max 5000 kr. (2) 2140m 15 000 kr
Sweden Örebro Raining
19:00   Alla. Max 0 kr. 1640m 5 000 kr
19:10   Ston. Max 50 000 kr. 2140m 30 000 kr
19:20   5 åriga & äldre. Max 250 ... 2640m 45 000 kr
Sweden Umåker Brizzle
19:00   Ston. Max 5000 kr. 2640m 10 000 kr
19:10   Alla. Max 1 000 000 kr. 1640m 20 000 kr
19:20   Alla. Lägst 250 000 kr. 1640m 45 000 kr
Registrations Start List Results Gamble
Ston. Max 50 000 kr. (129829)
Sweden  Örebro  2016-06-30

Distance: 2140 m Age/Gender: 3-12 years / Only mares
First Prize: 30 000 kr Starting Time: 19:10
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 30 + 516 kr
Max points: - Earnings: max 50 000 kr
Track Conditions: Light Conditions Registration Closes: 2016-06-27 19:10

Start List
1. Italy Victoria Nobis Vita Niclas Stenquist
Fluoro Vox (Vikingo), Lome Pinto (Vikingo)
Barfota C 7.32
2. Sweden Sowing Crystal Juhani Partanen
Marshmallow (Stald Kobilo), S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
Barfota O 3.08
3. Sweden Wandering Whirlwind Kent P Gustavsson
Safety Operation (Vikingo), Runs Like Poethry (Vikingo)
Lätt aluminium C 769.00
4. Sweden Blossoming Crystal Hans-Owe Sundberg
Beautiful Rhapsody (Stall Phille), Yeeey (Stall Phille)
Barfota O 13.98
5. Sweden Pink Lady Örjan Kihlström Barfota N 769.00
6. Sweden Lucy K Åke Lindblom
Cold Breathe (Stall Festis), S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
Barfota O 4.96
7. Germany Miriam Dylan Thomas Dalborg
Vom Himmel (Stall Dylan), Focke-Wulf Larockma (larockma)
Järn O 3.85
8. Germany Auslassen Unruhestifter Jim Oscarsson
Auslassen Unruhestifter (Manjana stable), Hoping Mountain (Manjana stable)
Lätt aluminium N 769.00
bortlottad. Möjlig slant... /stallchalle
9. Sweden Eternal Addiction Benny Danielsson Lätt aluminium C 769.00

Only a humble breeze blew over Örebro this day. The track where in perfect shape.

One after another the horses came out on the track for the obigatory parade. After some warmup the horses lined up behind the car as it began to move down the track.

Lucy K tried its best to keep the lead but finally had to give in to Blossoming Crystal that came steaming ahead. Örjan Kihlström wanted a little to much in the start and Pink Lady galoped for 30 m.

The leader couldn't hold the lead and Victoria Nobis Vita sprinted to the front.

Blossoming Crystal sprinted past it's competitors after a 1000m and took the lead.

Lucy K accelerated after 1500m and took the lead.

With only a little left of the race Lucy K galoped for 30 m. Lucy K kept a high tempo and was first in on the homestretch.

No-one could catch Lucy K today who won before Blossoming Crystal and Pink Lady.

1: 6. Sweden Lucy K Åke Lindblom
Cold Breathe (Stall Festis),
S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
1,11.0g Barfota O 30 000 kr 4.96 2.68 PB
2: 4. Sweden Blossoming Crystal Hans-Owe Sundberg
Beautiful Rhapsody (Stall Phille),
Yeeey (Stall Phille)
1,11.0 Barfota O 15 000 kr 13.98 5.80 PB
3: 5. Sweden Pink Lady Örjan Kihlström 1,11.4g Barfota N 7 500 kr 769.00 252.83 PB
4: 1. Italy Victoria Nobis Vita Niclas Stenquist
Fluoro Vox (Vikingo),
Lome Pinto (Vikingo)
1,11.4 Barfota C 4 200 kr 7.32 PB
5: 2. Sweden Sowing Crystal Juhani Partanen
Marshmallow (Stald Kobilo),
S.p Fort Knox (Stall Festis)
1,11.6 Barfota O 2 100 kr 3.08 PB
6: 3. Sweden Wandering Whirlwind Kent P Gustavsson
Safety Operation (Vikingo),
Runs Like Poethry (Vikingo)
1,12.6 Lätt aluminium C 1 200 kr 769.00
7: 8. Germany Auslassen Unruhestifter Jim Oscarsson
Auslassen Unruhestifter (Manjana stable),
Hoping Mountain (Manjana stable)
1,12.6 Lätt aluminium N 0 kr 769.00 PB
8: 7. Germany Miriam Dylan Thomas Dalborg
Vom Himmel (Stall Dylan),
Focke-Wulf Larockma (larockma)
1,13.2 Järn O 0 kr 3.85
9: 9. Sweden Eternal Addiction Benny Danielsson 1,13.5 Lätt aluminium C 0 kr 769.00

Track Conditions: Light Conditions
Winner Margin: Half a horse
Owner: Nessla, Yermac
Winner Turnover: 1 538 kr
Top Three Turnover: 1 513 kr

Split Times