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Norway Forus Cloudy
12:00   Provlopp 2140m 0 kr
Sweden Hagmyren Cloudy
12:00   Provlopp 2640m 0 kr
Sweden Halmstad Cloudy
12:00   Provlopp 2640m 0 kr
12:15   Provlopp (2) 2640m 0 kr
Norway Jarlsberg Sunny
12:00   B-lopp 1640m 2 000 kr
Sweden Rättvik Cloudy
12:00   B-lopp 2140m 2 000 kr
12:15   B-lopp (2) 2140m 2 000 kr
12:30   B-lopp (3) 2140m 2 000 kr
12:45   B-lopp (4) 2140m 2 000 kr
13:00   B-lopp (5) 2140m 2 000 kr
Sweden Solvalla Cloudy
12:00   Provlopp 2640m 0 kr
12:15   Provlopp (2) 2640m 0 kr
12:30   Provlopp (3) 2640m 0 kr
Sweden Umåker Brizzle
12:00   B-lopp 1640m 2 000 kr
12:15   B-lopp (2) 1640m 2 000 kr
Sweden Vaggeryd Brizzle
12:00   B-lopp 2640m 2 000 kr
12:15   B-lopp (2) 2640m 2 000 kr
12:30   B-lopp (3) 2640m 2 000 kr
Italy Montegiorgio Cloudy
17:00   Grande Elegante 1600m 800 000 kr
Registrations Start List Results Gamble
Provlopp (3) (5753)
Sweden  Solvalla  2008-03-23

Distance: 2640 m Age/Gender: 3-12 years / All
First Prize: 0 kr Starting Time: 12:30
Horses: Max 12 horses Registration Fee + Travel Cost: 0 + 1 016 kr
Max points: - Earnings: All
Track Conditions: Winter Track Conditions Registration Closes: 2008-03-20 12:30

Start List
1. Italy Sopra La Legge Johan Untersteiner Barfota O 3.00
2. Sweden Golden Magician Per Lennartsson
Queen Jessie (-), Eeegit (-)
Järn O ↑999
3. Sweden Shining Lilac Hans-Owe Sundberg Brodd O 7.50
garanterad galopp... /No owner
4. Sweden Goofy Lemonade Anna Svensson Järn O ↑999
5. Sweden Mirror Poser Jorma Kontio Brodd O 3.75
6. Sweden Magic Wand Jim Frick Järn O 5.00
7. Norway Kanne Boogie Torbjörn Jansson Järn O ↑999
NJA: sista chansen nui /No owner
8. Sweden Just Box Erik Svensson Brodd O 15.00

One after another the horses came out on the track for the obigatory parade. After some warmup the horses lined up behind the car as it began to move down the track.

Mirror Poser sprinted away from the competitors and took the lead.

Shining Lilac saw it's chance when the leader lost tempo and took the lead. Unknown started to galop after 500 m and was nearly disqualified.

Magic Wand looked tired after 1000m but had to keep up the tempo so that Mirror Poser couldn't come out from behind the leader, Shining Lilac. Goofy Lemonade was disturbed and galoped 20 m.

Shining Lilac was still in the lead after 1500m. Unknown showed unexperience when he was disqualified for galoping. Golden Magician galloped for 20 m.

Shining Lilac sat safely in the lead after 2000m. Unknown was disturbed and gallopped for 10 m.

With only a little left of the race Unknown galoped for 40 m. With only a little left of the race Kanne Boogie galoped for 40 m. Magic Wand litterally flew through the last bend and was first on the homestretch.

Golden Magician was disturbed and galopped for 10 m.

Winner of todays race was Magic Wand. Mirror Poser came in second. Shining Lilac became third.

1: 6. Sweden Magic Wand Jim Frick 1,16.9 Järn O 0 kr 5.00 2.44 PB
2: 5. Sweden Mirror Poser Jorma Kontio 1,16.9 Brodd O 0 kr 3.75 2.08 PB
3: 3. Sweden Shining Lilac Hans-Owe Sundberg 1,16.9 Brodd O 0 kr 7.50 3.17 PB
4: 7. Norway Kanne Boogie Torbjörn Jansson 1,19.2g Järn O 0 kr ↑999 PB
5: 8. Sweden Just Box Erik Svensson 1,20.7 Brodd O 0 kr 15.00 PB
6: 4. Sweden Goofy Lemonade Anna Svensson 1,20.7g Järn O 0 kr ↑999 PB
7: 2. Sweden Golden Magician Per Lennartsson
Queen Jessie (-),
Eeegit (-)
1,24.5g Järn O 0 kr ↑999 PB
8: 1. Italy Sopra La Legge Johan Untersteiner 1,24.5 Barfota O 0 kr 3.00

Track Conditions: Winter Track Conditions
Winner Margin: Half a horse
Owner: No owner, No owner
Winner Turnover: 1 500 kr
Top Three Turnover: 1 500 kr

Split Times