Jorma Kontio 1, Funky Beat  1 Robert Bergh 2, Rabbia E Tarantella  2 Renaud Pujol 3, Drache Larockma  3 Jimmy Takter 4, Fast
 Ship  4 Ove A Lindqvist 5, Good Looking
 Angel  5 Björn Goop 6, Running Through Pearls  6 Jean-Etienne Dubois 7, Ahimsa Blazer  7 Trond Smedshammer 8, Fast
 Band  8 Örjan Kihlström 9, Dead Man´s Hand  9 Jos Verbeeck 10, Giant Ace  10 Hugo Jr Langeweg 11, Snow White Hoof  11 Tim Tetrick 12, Volunteer  12
The car
Northern ireland Northern ireland Northern ireland Annaghmore Annaghmore Annaghmore
The start