Robert Bergh 1, Mon Unique Souhaiter  1 Veli-Erkki Paavola 2, Counterstrike  2 Tuomas Pakkanen 3, Scream My Name  3 Ari Hartikainen 4, Metal Ripper  4 Mauri Jaara 5, Bold
 Moon  5 Pekka Korpi 6, Cute
 Closet  6 Ulf Ohlsson 7, Georgia Sunset  7 Juha Länsimäki 8, Life Is Beautiful  8 Aki Antti-Roiko 9, Tricky
 Jewel  9 Antti Teivainen 10, Butterfly Player  10 Harri Koivunen 11, Rolling
 Twister  11 Seppo Markkula 12, Whatever
 Flower  12
The car
Finland Finland Finland Forssa Forssa Forssa
The start