Micael Stjernström 1, Hold The Baby  1 Anders I Jonsson 2, Lady Allehanda  2 Thomas Dalborg 3, Fair Wonder  3 Kennet Glaas 4, Normand Larockma  4 Per Johansson 5, Tough Thinking  5 Katarina Aurell Laursen 6, First Serve  6 Mercedes Balogh 7, Confident Blast  7 Håkan K Persson 8, Stunning Duchess  8 Anders Svanstedt 9, Give Me Way  9 Pernilla T Johansson 10, Impatient Witch  10 Sarah Swahn 11, Semper Fi  11 Dick Sjöberg 12, Rajtan Tajtan  12
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Axevalla Axevalla Axevalla
The start