Preben Kjaersgaard 1, Pinstripe´s Racingway  1 Johan Wiman 2, Criminal Brûlant  2 Tommy Zackrisson 3, Goofy
 Madness  3 Elin Gustavsson 4, Whispering
 Closet  4 Stefan Persson 5, Mythical Dancer  5 Anders Funck 6, Leaving Louisville  6 Claes Sjöström 7, Lonely
 Starlight  7 Ronny Widerström 8, The Trumpet Player  8 Fredrik Persson 9, Walking
 Maid  9 Conrad Lugauer 10, Honourable
 Satellite  10 Roger Malmqvist 11, Maximum Overheat  11
The car
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The start