Robert Bergh 1, Slippery Angel  1 Jorma Kontio 2, Lightning Star  2 Kristian Lindberg 3, Athletic Thinking  3 Sofia Adolfsson 4, Raymond The Man  4 Troels Andersen 5, Slippery Hero  5 Örjan Kihlström 6, Ellie Lore  6 Erik Adielsson 7, Giant Chill  7 Juhani Partanen 8, Arg Ung Man  8 Per Lennartsson 9, Ginger Cookie  9 Johan Sedström 10, Royal Highness  10 Lars D Carlson 11, Famous Wish  11 Carl Johan Jepson 12, Sneaking Ballerina  12
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Örebro Örebro Örebro
The start