Per Lennartsson 1, Nessla Ilostmymind  1 Flemming Jensen 2, Love Tower  2 Dexter Dunn 3, Scandal Magpie  3 Pierre Vercruysse 4, Kieft  4 Stefan Persson 5, Ultimate Law  5 Bob McClure 6, Hermance Ameste  6 Michael Nimczyk 7, Port-au-prince Superior  7 Jean-Michel Bazire 8, Valiant  8 Matthieu Abrivard 9, Hanna Oxzygo  9 Johan Untersteiner 10, Steel Printer  10 Örjan Kihlström 11, Shelby Rebel  11 Alessandro Gocciadoro 12, Gonzo Boston  12
The car
Wales Wales Wales Amman Valley Amman Valley Amman Valley
The start