Trond Smedshammer 8, Under The Guillotine  1,04.3 8 Björn Goop 5, The Beast  1,04.5 5 Thomas Uhrberg 2, Bath Salt Cherry  1,04.7 2 Renaud Pujol 3, Jumping
 Mountain  1,04.7 3 Heinz Wewering 7, Admiral
 Missile  1,04.8 7 Mike Lachance 1, Radish  1,05.0 1 Christophe Martens 4, Criminal Siege  1,05.1 4 Derek Douglas 6, Big Boobs Pegasos  1,05.6 6 Sweden Sweden Sweden Halmstad Halmstad Halmstad
First bend  Time: 1,04.3