Petter Lundberg 1, Aggressive Moment  1 Ari Moilanen 2, Comfortable Space  2 Seppo Markkula 3, Rugged
 Energy  3 Jukka-Pekka Kauhanen 4, Troubling Gossip  4 Tuomas Pakkanen 5, Firefly  5 Sandra Eriksson 6, Rebellious Boy  6 Veli-Erkki Paavola 7, Broad Bahn  7 Esa Holopainen 8, Glorious Cake  8 Aki Antti-Roiko 9, Ivory Fabric  9 Pekka Korpi 10, Drop Dead Beautyful C.C.  10 Kari Rosimo 11, Nessuno Promettere  11 Heikki Hietanen 12, Precious Ace  12
The car
Finland Finland Finland Joensuu Joensuu Joensuu
The start