Per Lennartsson 1, Elle Me Dit  1 Torbjörn Jansson 2, Loving Sound  2 Erik Adielsson 3, Crazy Pegasos  3 Johnny Takter 4, Gilda  4 Jimmy Takter 6, Expert And Desolate  6 Trond Smedshammer 7, Drooling Scope  7 Tim Tetrick 8, Chestnut Falls  8 Thomas Uhrberg 9, Windy Passion  9 John Campbell 10, Pinstripe´s Walk The Line  10 Hans-Owe Sundberg 11, Close Map  11 Åke Svanstedt 12, Funky Closet  12
The car
Italy Italy Italy Follonica Dei Pini Follonica Dei Pini Follonica Dei Pini
The start