Carl-Erik Lindblom 1, Fluoro Vox  1 Johan Wiman 2, Wimpy Baby  2 Niclas Stenquist 3, Sowing Needle  3 Claes Sjöström 4, Sad Gossip  4 Örjan Kihlström 5, Close Satellite  5 Hans-Owe Sundberg 6, Adventurous Folder  6 Juhani Partanen 7, American Fighter  7 Jim Oscarsson 8, Whispering Wonder  8 Per Lennartsson 9, Chocolate Pudding  9 Åke Lindblom 10, Cheerful Strategy  10 Thomas Dalborg 11, Goofy Starshine  11 Claes Svensson 12, Slow Thrasher  12
The car
Sweden Sweden Sweden Örebro Örebro Örebro
The start